The 5 Best and Healthiest Teas for You take it when you need it. In addition, tea is a universal drink for all occasions. Tea is one of the most popular and versatile drinks. It not only perfectly tones, but also nourishes the body with valuable trace elements, and also helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms. We talk about the Best and Healthiest Teas.
The Best and Healthiest Teas:

Mint Tea for Fatigue:
Mint has a strong sedative effect. Just one cup of this drink will relieve anxiety, help you find harmony and solve problems with sleep. Additionally, this tea relieves headaches and improves vision.
Mate Tea for Body Bruises:
This drink contains Vitamin R. It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so you can not be afraid of bruises on the body. This is especially useful for owners of thin and delicate skin. Also drinking a glass of mate tea will help get rid of muscles, headaches and nausea. Tea normalizes blood pressure, tones, cleanses the stomach and improves mood.
Raspberry For PMS:
Not everyone knows that raspberry tea is the best drink for coughs and colds. But its valuable properties don't stop there. It has been proven that such a drink helps women cope with the unpleasant symptoms of PMS, facilitates the course of pregnancy and helps recover from childbirth. In addition, it normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves spasms and relieves nausea.
Hibiscus For Temperature:
Hibiscus It has many useful properties for our body. So, due to the large amount of fruit acids, they drink at high temperatures. It also helps to strengthen blood vessels, eliminate excess weight, toxins and other harmful substances.
Masala for Drowsiness:
This tea, which consists of several spices, tends to invigorate and relieve drowsiness. A mixture of spicy ingredients activates the body's metabolism. In such cases, a cup of massala will replace coffee and energize you for the whole day.
Furthermore, this tea has several beneficial properties: it improves digestion, burns toxins, normalizes blood circulation and purifies the blood. It brings pressure to normal and strengthens memory with prolonged use.