You benefits of valerian root tea, are used for medicinal purposes, considering that valerian root tea has sleep-inducing properties, both fresh and dried roots are used to make the tea, the latter having a pungent odor.

This herb was listed in the category of teas considered safe without side effects, in addition, valerian root originates from Asia, Europe and North America.
What is valerian
Valerian is a perennial flower with sweetly scented white or pink flowers that bloom during the summer months.
The genus Valeriana is the richest in species in the family and is widespread in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere, Africa and South America.
Valerian Root Tea Benefit

Weight loss
Valerian root tea has diuretic properties, capable of helping to lose calories, the presence of acid increases levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid, responsible for reducing blood pressure.
Furthermore, the benefits of valerian root tea, a cup of tea a day reduces cholesterol levels.
Combat Insomnia
Valerian root tea has stress-reducing and sleep-regulating properties due to indirect effects on high BP levels.
Helps with digestion

Between the benefits of valerian root tea, is its effectiveness in improving digestive function, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal cramps.
Furthermore, the properties of valerian root tea help control flatulence and prevent the formation of gas.
Combat anxiety and stress
Valerian root tea contains moderate benzodiazepine properties, capable of regulating nervous disorders.
Furthermore, among the benefits of valerian root tea, It is act as effective antidepressant for tension panic attacks.
Valerian tea is known to have laxative and diuretic properties, which can help the body eliminate toxins and unwanted fats and salts in an efficient manner. Thus, reducing the load on the kidneys and liver.
Valerian Root Tea Recipe

Unlike most herbal teas, it is recommended to avoid using boiling water to make this tea to preserve its beneficial essential oil content.
– Valerian root;
– 170 ml of water;
- Take about 170 ml of hot water heated to about 85°C.
- Add a teaspoon of fresh or dried valerian root.
- Leave it to infuse for 10 minutes.
- Strain the mixture.
- Honey, milk, lemon or any other sweetener can be used to add flavor to tea.
- bitter taste.
- Adding mint can improve the flavor.