Discover some benefits of green tea for men in addition to increasing quality of life.
Furthermore, scientists from the Netherlands discovered that one of the benefits of green tea for men is to increase men's mental abilities.
Scientists studied brain activity in 44 men. Participants who drank green tea 20-60 minutes before the test had higher mental abilities than those who did not drink it.
Furthermore, the study results showed that men who drank tea had a higher level of alertness and were less tired compared to others.
A combination of caffeine and L-Theanine helps you concentrate better while performing mental tasks that require high precision.
Benefits of green tea for men
Rich in antioxidant
One of the main benefits of green tea for men is to gently remove toxins from the body, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve metabolic processes.
Tea has a positive effect on cleansing the body. Furthermore, the Green Tea normalizes urination and eliminates harmful substances, including alcohol decomposition products.
Prevents cancer
O Green Tea should be drunk for the prevention of cancer and other tumor processes.
Since it strengthens blood vessels, it is recommended for all men prone to heart disease, for example, if there are heart attacks in the male line of the family.
Good for the intestine
Green tea will also help normalize the intestines, apply it to reduce pressure, protect against pathology of the blood vessels of the brain.
Therefore, it is imperative to include green tea in a diet when losing weight, fighting salt deposits and cleansing the body of toxins.
Rich in zinc
The composition of the Green Tea includes a large amount of zinc, which is essential for male health and prostate function.
But the worst thing is that the malfunction of the organs of the urogenital system and the prostate begins and libido drops, illnesses begin to appear and vitality disappears.
If zinc is not enough, then not only potency begins to fail, but hair growth also deteriorates, as a result of which bald patches appear, there is a rapid weight gain on the stomach and hips.
Strengthens the immune system
In chronic prostatitis, regular consumption of green tea not only helps get rid of inflammation and infection but also strengthens the immune system.
A large amount of vitamins and minerals will give strength. Therefore, men can use these benefits of green tea for men to treat even severe forms of the flu.
Green tea recipe for men
How to make
- Heat a glass of water until it is about to boil;
- Take a strainer and add 1 teaspoon of Green Tea in him;
- Pour hot water into the cup and pour until the bottom of the filter is immersed in hot water;
- Remove the filter after 2-3 minutes and take a sip to check if it is to your taste;
- If you feel that the tea needs to be stronger, replace the filter with the leaves for 30 seconds.