Benefits of Teas

Rosehip tea: benefits, recipe and side effects

Benefícios chá de rosa mosqueta

O rosehip tea It has numerous benefits and also provides a good source of nutrients. Whereas tea helps in reducing inflammation, reducing risk of heart disease, fighting cancer, detoxifying the body, and boosting immune function.

Benefícios chá de rosa mosqueta
rosehip tea benefits

Due to its properties, the benefits of rosehip tea It is rich in carotenoid flavonoids, polyphenols, catechins and other phytochemicals.

Furthermore, the tea Rosehip is made from the fruits of rose plants.

Benefits of rosehip tea

Improves skin health

Tea improves the texture and appearance of the skin, as it is rich in powerful antioxidants and has astringent properties.

Furthermore, it accelerates the healing of irritated or dry skin and prevents infections and inflammation with psoriasis, eczema, acne.

benefício do cha de rosa mosqueta
benefit of rosehip tea

Increases immunity

O Rosehip tea, improves the functioning of the immune system, due to its rich amount of vitamin C.

Furthermore, the benefits of rosehip tea, is to increase the white blood cell count, which stimulates recovery from injuries or recovery from surgery.


O rosehip tea It has analgesic properties and can be a natural remedy for chronic arthritis pain or acute pain from injuries.

Additionally, other benefits of rosehip tea, it is because it is rich in carotenoids and flavonoids.

Other benefits include 

– Rich in antioxidants;
– May support a healthy immune system;
– May protect against heart disease;
– Can help with weight loss;
– May protect against type 2 diabetes;
– Can reduce inflammation and pain;
– Can combat skin aging;
– Easy to prepare at home.

Rosehip tea recipe

receita de cha de rosa mosqueta
rosehip tea recipe


– 4 teaspoons of whole dried rosehip or crushed, cut or sifted;
– 4 Cups of filtered water;
– 4-5 sheets of mint to sweeten (optional);


  1. Place the roses in a stainless steel pan with the water.
  2. Slowly bring the mixture to a boil and then bring to a boil.
  3. Then, leave the mixture to infuse for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and add honey and parsley leaves. mint to sweeten.

Rosehip tea side effects

O Rosehip tea, offers many health benefits, however, using tea in excessive amounts causes gastrointestinal problems, sleep problems, bleeding and kidney stones.

So, consult your doctor before drinking this tea if you have any of the above health problems.