Skip to content 6 Health Benefits of Ceylon Tea Monastic tea: what it is, composition, benefits and recipe Orange peel tea: what it is for, recipe and contraindications Strawberry leaf tea: properties, benefits, recipe and recommendations 5 Benefits of valerian root tea for the body Rosehip tea: benefits, recipe and side effects Dandelion tea: benefits and recipes 5 Benefits of green tea for men Black tea with milk: benefits, recipe and recommendations 5 Best types of flower teas and their benefits Black tea: health benefits and recommendations Tea to cleanse the body: benefits, types of tea and recommendations Peppermint tea: what it is, benefits, uses and recipes Types of tea: what it is for, varieties and benefits White tea: What it is, benefits, uses and recipes Ceylon tea: What is it benefits, uses and recipes Dirty Chai: What is it, benefits, uses, types and recipes Tea with milk: What it is, benefits, uses and recipes Sencha green tea: What it is, benefits, uses and recipes 10 great types of black tea for health! Este site usa cookies para garantir uma melhor experiência. Ao continuar a navegar, você está de acordo com isso. Para saber mais, acesse: Política de privacidade Entendi