O black tea with milk Created by the British, this combination makes the taste of the drink smooth and pleasant. Furthermore, the black tea with milk has beneficial properties and a beneficial effect on our body.

Contains caffeine, which acts more gently than that found in coffee beans.
Therefore, to feel good during the day, you should drink black tea with milk in the morning.
Properties of black tea with milk
In general, it is customary to dilute the black tea with milk, but in eastern countries they breed in green.
The fact is that, in this combination, the infusion can be consumed even by people who cannot use milk in its pure form.
Because the dairy product contains many nutrients that not every stomach can digest.
And such black tea Diluted it is easily absorbed by the body. Its reception is recommended for gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.
O black tea with the addition of milk improves brain function, strengthens the immune system and positively affects the entire body.
Infusion contains beneficial vitamins and minerals that are necessary for our health.
It is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin PP, Vitamin C, organic acids.
Milk infusion contains trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and others.
Benefits of black tea with milk

Milk tea helps with colds, it can be drunk even at night, as it reduces the effect of caffeine.
After illness, to restore strength, the black tea with milk is prescribed, it will provide a weakened body with vitamins and nutrients.
Regular intake of tea drink strengthens the walls of blood vessels, serves as a good prevention of malignant tumors.
It has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, helps reduce stress, improves sleep.
Due to the calcium content in milk, daily intake of tea strengthens bones, the presence of tannins has a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthening them.
Black tea with milk helps well with various poisonings, kills the infection and restores strength.
The duet of black tea and milk has a diuretic effect, contributes to the removal of excess fluid from the body.
With the help of the drink, you can get rid of extra pounds, it is an affordable, cheap and very effective tool.
With regular use, the drink reduces appetite, if you drink a cup of infusion before each meal, the feeling of hunger is significantly dulled.
The person eats a small amount of food and receives fewer calories.
The presence of caffeine in the composition of the drink restores metabolism.
- Improves intestinal microflora, stomach;
- Helps restore the body after poisoning, colds;
- Prevents kidney disease, eliminates the likelihood of neurosis and depression;
- Calms the nervous system, reducing the level of caffeine in the body;
- Prevents dehydration, eliminates thirst for several hours.
Black tea with milk recipe

- boiling water;
– black tea;
- milk.
How to make:
Heat the water, steep the black tea in the water for 4-7 minutes, then add the milk and your black tea with milk will be ready.
You cannot abuse this drink, especially at night. Although there is little caffeine in milk tea, if you drink a few cups, you may experience a drop in blood pressure or a sleepless night.