Basic Food Basket Assistance: find out how to request it!

Brazil is a country with great potential for growth, however, unfortunately, many families do not have the financial conditions to develop, whether through culture or other means.

Therefore, there are different social programs that have been developed especially for these cases, such as Basic Food Basket Aid

We have already brought different important content to our readers, such as applications to watch series and films online, but today we are going to bring information regarding the social program that has helped several families not go hungry. After all, we know that information is knowledge, and knowledge is power.

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We have already started our text by ruling out that social programs are not “alms”, but rather ways of boosting the development of our country through investments in their own citizens. Therefore, they are valid initiatives that have already helped thousands of families to escape hunger.

What is Basic Basket Aid?

Although many people search for Auxílio Cesta Básica, the truth is that few people really know what the program is about. Therefore, thinking about including as many people as possible, we will briefly describe what the Auxílio Cesta Básica program is about.

auxílio cesta básica
(Reproduction: Freepik)

Basic Food Basket Aid is a social benefit created by the Brazilian Government to meet the basic food needs of families in cases of social and economic vulnerability. This benefit was implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which had a strong negative impact on the financial lives of many Brazilians.

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Basic Food Basket Aid consists of the distribution of basic food baskets containing essential foods, such as oil, beans, rice, sugar, powdered milk, pasta, among other items. Additionally, the kits include personal hygiene products such as soap, toothpaste and toilet paper. This approach aims to ensure that benefiting families have access to adequate food and minimum hygiene conditions.

To be able to receive Basic Basket Aid, you must meet pre-defined criteria, we will discuss in another topic what prerequisites the Government expects from someone to receive this social benefit.

(Reproduction: Freepik)

Basic Food Basket Aid cannot be combined with other benefits provided by the Federal Government, such as retirement, unemployment insurance or other social programs. If you are interested in receiving this benefit, don't worry, we will talk in more detail about how to receive the aid later in this matter.

How to buy basic food baskets?

First, let's talk about how you can help other people by purchasing food baskets online to make donations. Next, we will talk in detail about how you can apply for assistance. This way, the article becomes complete, as you can both request and buy to help families.


A Magalu (old Magazine Luiza) is one of the main online stores in our country. In fact, it is a platform that serves to buy electronics and food. Therefore, it is truly one of the most complete online platforms, which is why it has become one of the most popular.

(Reproduction: Freepik)

This platform became popular mainly because it was able to offer a wide variety of products for a significantly acceptable amount. Therefore, becoming one of the best sales platforms in Brazil. Therefore, we will use it as one of the recommendations for purchasing basic food baskets.

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Magalu, among its sectors, offers the purchase of food. There you can assemble your basic basket with both food and hygiene products. Additionally, you can use coupons to get discounts, so you can help even more people using the same amount.

Free market

O Free market has become one of the most popular sales platforms in Latin America. In fact, in Brazil, there is already data that points to Mercado Livre as one of the main online sales platforms in the territory. In other words, the platform went from a simple online store to one of the biggest digital powers.

The platform is one of the country's favorites mainly because it can offer a wide variety of products, from electronics, clothes to even food. In fact, the company is already investing in productions such as series and films to reach an even larger audience.

(Reproduction: Freepik)

One of the most positive points of Mercado Livre is the fact that prices are very varied. This way, you can find retailers who offer products to make up the basic basket at very affordable prices. In fact, it is one of the best platforms for putting together basic food baskets.


Of the three platforms that we are going to recommend for purchasing basic food baskets, it is very likely that this is the best known for this purpose, considering that the Extra It is already known for having a food purchasing sector. Therefore, it is a platform whose main characteristic will be trust.

As you know, we like to recommend trusted platforms (By clicking here you will have access to the most reliable sites to watch football online), but this platform may not be the one where you will be able to find the most affordable prices. However, it's worth checking out.

How do I get Basic Food Basket Aid?

Until then, we've talked about alternatives for you to purchase basic food baskets to donate. However, now let's talk about how you can become a beneficiary of the program. Therefore, pay close attention to be able to request assistance.


The main requirement to become a beneficiary of Auxílio Cesta Básica is to be registered with the Single Registry (CadÚnico), which is basically a Government database that serves as a mirror that gathers information about the country's socioeconomic situation. In addition, it also participates in the selection of people who will receive social programs.

(Reproduction: Freepik)

The Single Registry is not only used for Basic Basket Aid, but for you to receive practically any benefit from the Government, you must have your registration completed and updated. If you haven't signed up yet, just click here to access the Single Registry page.

If the platform is not available at the time you access it, for whatever reason, it is interesting that you consult the CRAS in the region where you live to find out if it is possible to register for the Single Registry, and thus receive the benefit. . 

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